Who needs a companion?
The simple answer is everyone needs one.
Someone to call when you need help.
LWA™ provide peace of mind and ultimate reassurance for most domestic or commercial circumstances. Our basic SOS device has easy to use buttons with two-way audio communications and find me function. Clients rely on our 24hr professional response services for many reasons, work alone, live alone, exercise alone, are exposed to danger or isolation at some time.
When our Incident Response Centre receives your call, we can arrange and co-ordinate emergency services to provide appropriate assistance without alerting the aggressor or situation that may be threatening your safety.
We will record and store all this information on digital file should we need to review it at any stage. If it’s appropriate and safe to do so, we will talk back to you providing even more assistance and reassurance as required.
It is essential that staff feel safe and secure, so that they can undertake and perform their duties free from the fear of violence, abuse or other threat to their health and safety.
They must also be confident that their organisation is committed to providing support, backed up by strong management procedures, to ensure that effective action can be taken should they find themselves in a threatening environment and a need for help or assistance.
The employer must fulfil their OH&S responsibilities to provide a safe working environment for any employee regardless of the location of their work including crossing a deserted car park after finishing a late shift in an office.
Occupational Health and Safety (OH&S) legislation applies to risks of violence, just as it does to other work-related risks. Staff and managers need to be aware of the important pieces of relevant legislation that cover such arrangements in respective countries.
Employers should have written policies setting out their arrangements for managing health and safety risks. These policies should be publicised and easily accessible to staff.
Government regulations require employers to assess risks to employees and non-employees and make arrangements for effective planning, organisation, control, monitoring and review of health and safety risks.
Employers must inform, and consult with, employees in good time on matters relating to their health and safety. Employee representatives, either appointed by recognised trade unions under (a) or elected under (b) may make representations to their employer on matters affecting the health and safety of those they represent
Employees also have a responsibility to take reasonable care of themselves and to co-operate with their employer under health and safety legislation. This includes making full use of conflict resolution training, training in the use of technology and any other information, instructions, equipment and advice from their managers / supervisors regarding working alone.